How do I cancel my subscription?Updated 5 months ago
Log into your account here: or create one. Being an active subscriber doesn't mean you have an account. If you're getting an error, please follow through with creating one.
Once you're logged in click on the "Manage" button for Auto-Replenish. You'll then click on "Cancel Auto-Replenish" and confirm.
To successfully cancel your next shipment, it must be completed before 9 am EST on the day your subscription is scheduled to be processed. You receive an email notification 3 days in advance to notify you your next subscription is shipping soon so we recommend canceling it then or at least 24 hours in advance. Add [email protected] to your address book to prevent these emails from going to spam.
If your subscription isn't canceled on time, you can return it for a refund by heading to our returns portal here: